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Shanon Stults • March 1, 2023

Business of the Year Awards 2023

We recognize and honor our 2023 winners!

Every year the Wray Chamber takes delight in the Business of the Year Awards because it's an opportunity to highlight what truly makes Wray stand out - the people behind the business!

Fellow members have the opportunity to vote for an outstanding business in three categories: small business, large business, and non-profit.  Voicing their vote, the community-at-large also chooses a business that has made a positive impact in the community through a Community Choice Award.

Our winners for 2023...

Small Business of the Year - K&S BBQ

K&S are reviving an establishment with a rich history by adding to the fond memories with their own spin. A sale barn café is something kind of unique and an experience all of its own on sale day. From good food, to good company, K&S BBQ is open inside Tri-State Livestock Exchange not just on sale day, but all week long.  Proudly, Sam and Kate are fully invested in our community on all levels.


Large Business of the Year - Foltmer Drug

Foltmer drug always provides such a pleasant experience; it’s evident customer service is a priority. Joe and his staff are trusted by the community to meet the community's pharmacy needs safely, timely, and with a smile. They are active supporters of all community events and life-time supporters of the Wray Chamber.


Non profit of the Year - Giving Hands of Yuma County

Giving Hands have true servant hearts. They identify needs and put a plan into action. The Christmas and coat drive provide opportunities for those in need to receive and for those with willing hearts to give; the true embodiment of community.


Community Choice Award - El Vaquero

Offering a different dining option to Wray's already vast eateries, El Vaquero provides authentic Mexican food with outstanding quality & service.  Alejandro, his family, and his team are not only drawing new crowds to Wray, they are giving back to the community who loves them so much.

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